Wellcome to National Portal
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Our achievements

Our achievements:

1. Literature Index (at Taka)

Creation No. Main Program: Formation and Registration of UCCA Ltd. Date of Registration: Registration No. 01 07/01/196
Date: 07/01/1976
1 Association Formation: 387
Number of members: 9470 people
3 shares 16.74
4 Savings deposits: 7.99
5 Sonali Bank Debt Distribution: Crop 199.81
6 Sonali Bank Debt Distribution: Duration 262.44
7 Sonali Bank Loan Recovery 183.11
8 Sonali Bank loan recovery period: 144.49
9 Sonali Bank loans outstanding: crop 16.70
10 Sonali Bank loans outstanding period: 117.95

2. Recurring Debt Program

Criterion Number Quantity Quantity
17 of the companies under the project
Receipt of fund under 2nd project 10.59
The loan distribution under the project is 58.96
Recovery of loan under this project is 48.42
5 Debt owes under this project 10.54
Under the project, the rate of collection was 87%
Expired under the project 7.83
10.54 arrears under this project

3. Comprehensive poverty alleviation (civil) loan program

Criterion Number Quantity Quantity
Under the 1 project, the team formed 41
Savings Earnings 12.55 under 2E Project
Under the 3 project, the number of members of the party is 953
Funding under the project 4.00.00
Debt distribution under this project is 356.49
6 Recovery of debt is 294.14
Under the project, the loan outstanding is 62.35
The rate of collection under the 8th project is 89%


Criterion Number Quantity Quantity
Under the 1 project, the team formed 21
Recovery of Savings 1.84
Under the 3 project, the number of members of the party is 562
Funding under the project is 28.03
Debt distribution under 5 projects is 49.38
6 Earning 21.28
7 Recoverable 49.38
8.38 Loans outstanding under this project
Under the 9th project, the rate of recovery is 43%

5. The Bitter Freedom Fighters

Receipt of fund under 1 project is 12.82
Loan disbursement under the project is 25.72
3 Recovery of loans 12.92
Loan outstanding 12.80 under the project
Under the project, the rate of collection is 58%
6 members, 57 people